Committed to Excellence in Education
The School District of Waupaca believes the purpose of grading is to provide overall snapshots to students and parents on how students are performing against clearly stated academic and behavioral targets. The following principles are guiding our grading and reporting practices:
Grades should be dependent upon student proficiency against identified learning targets. Providing behavior and life skills grades are just as important as academic grades, but students will receive a separate grade for their current academic levels and their current behavioral levels.
Learning happens over time and at different rates for each student. Therefore, students should not be penalized while practicing their learning; formative assessments (homework & checks for understanding) should not be calculated into a student’s overall academic grade. Likewise, students should be given opportunities to reassess on summative assessments.
Students provide evidence to teachers that allow them to communicate their achievement in an accurate, meaningful and timely manner, therefore we do not believe in academically penalizing students for turning in late work. There is no research to support that penalties force students to try harder.
Grades should be based upon the ongoing collection of evidence of learning. They should not be impacted through the use of extra credit or giving zeros to students who have not provided evidence of learning. Instead, students will receive NE (No Evidence).
How are we working to ensure EQUITY & EXCELLENCE in Education?
TEAMS of teachers are identifying our priority standards (what is it that we expect all students to know and be able to do by this time in this class?).
TEAMS of teachers are breaking down our Priority Standards into more concrete/manageable Learning Targets (clear statements about what students should learn as a result of engaging in the process).
TEAMS of teachers are adding Success Criteria (descriptions of the evidence students must produce to show they have achieved the learning target) to our Learning Targets.
TEAMS of teachers are working to create Common Assessments and reassessments aligned to the course’s Learning Targets.
After administering common formative and summative assessments, TEAMS of teachers are analyzing the results of the assessments collectively. Teachers are using the assessments as a guide to map out their instructional design.
Throughout this process, TEAMS of teachers are discussing BEST instructional practices, supporting one another to ensure ALL students meet our learning expectations.
The ultimate goal of these changes in practice is to increase student engagement and learning by increasing our clarity in expectations. We will know that we have achieved these outcomes when students are able to tell us:
What they are learning, where they are in their learning journey, and the next steps they are taking in their learning journey.
Waupaca Middle School utilizes Infinite Campus. Scores are entered frequently, so parents can always be informed about student learning/progress. Please contact your students teachers at the earliest indication of academic struggle. Together we can create a plan to get your student back on a successful learning path. Report cards will be posted at semester, trimester (when applicable), and end of year. Please remember you can view current grades at any time through Infinite Campus.
S.W.A.T. (Students Working Alongside Teachers)
SWAT is an after-school program at WMS where students can receive one-on-one help from one of our teachers in the IMC. It is an opportunity to get extra help on schoolwork or complete schoolwork. It runs Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm. Sign-up forms can be found on the student board across from the main office.
All schoolwork is expected to be completed and turned in on time. Parents are encouraged to write concerns or questions about student schoolwork in their child’s agenda. Teachers can address these questions or concerns on an individual basis.