Academic Resources
Math Expressions
(Elementary Mathematics Program K-6 by Houghton Mifflin)
- features the NSF-funded, research-based, proven instruction with updates to improve the teacher and student experience.
- combines elements of standards-based instruction with the best traditional approaches
- helps make sense of mathematics through drawings, conceptual language, inquiry, and real-world examples
Benchmark Advance
(English Language Arts Program)
- Based on the latest scientific research about what makes literacy instruction effective
- consistently shows positive academic gains
- empowers skill mastery and confidence in building skills needed for college and careers
Abbreviations and Terms
APE - Adaptive Physical Education - Physical Education that is modified or adapted to the individual child in order for them to participate fully.
CESA - Cooperative Education Service Agency - Wisconsin is divided into 12 CESA districts. The School District of Waupaca is served by CESA #5 in Portage. CESA's mission is to actively assist school districts and the broader community to provide quality educational experiences for learners. School districts are assessed a fee each year and then contract for specific services as individual districts.
COTA - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant - Assists Occupational Therapist in delivering services to students
DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services
DPI - Department of Public Instruction - DPI is a state service agency in Madison. This agency provides consultants in all curriculum areas to school districts. Supported through tax dollars, services are provided at no cost to Wisconsin School Districts.
EC - Early Childhood - Program for children under the age of 6.
EIP - Early Intervention Program - Program operated by the Department of Health and Human Services that serves children from 0-3 years of age.
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education - Term used to ensure that all disabled students receive a free public education appropriate to their needs.
HI - Hearing Impaired - Loss of hearing acuity which affects the normal development of language.
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP - Individualized Education Program - Document that is developed for each student found to have a disability which indicates the specific needs of the student and what goals, objectives and techniques will be used to meet those needs.
LEA - Local Education Association - The local school district.
M-TEAM - Multidisciplinary Team - A group of people appointed to evaluate and review the skills of children who are referred and determine whether the child has a disability.
OHI - Other Health Impaired - Having limited strength, vitality or alertness, due to chronic health problems such as heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, etc. that adversely affects a child's educational performance.
OI - Orthopedically Impaired - A severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance.
OT - Occupational Therapy - Services provided to children in special education classes to assist them in restoring or maintaining function, fostering normal development and possibly preventing further disability. Specifically focusing on fine motor coordination, equipment/classroom adaptations needed to develop self help, classroom or hand skills, developing sensorimotor skills and sensory integration and teaching/helping to develop work simplification and motion economy techniques.
PT - Physical Therapy - Services provided to children in special education classes to assist them in restoring or maintaining function, fostering normal development and possibly preventing further disability. Specifically focusing on gross motor development and mobility.
SP/LN- Speech/Language - Disability characterized by a delay or deviance in the acquisition of language skills and/or reception or expression of language.
TITLE I - Title I is the largest federally funded education program designed to provide children with additional help in reading, language arts and math. These funds are provided by the federal government through the State Department of Public Instruction.
VI - Visual Impairment - Loss of functional vision.