We want you to find Greater Purpose in your experience here at Waupaca High School. In order to have Greater Purpose we are going to help you connect the dots of opportunities available. Your high school experience starts with scheduling courses that are specific to your academic, career, and personal needs. You have a tremendous opportunity to create a program of study that highlights your interest and can bring you Greater Purpose in your studies and pursuits.
Waupaca High School has an array of opportunities available to accelerate your learning to the next level, as well as the most comprehensive elective course offerings in all of Wisconsin. We want you to own your future by taking initiative and making sound decisions on your coursework.
WHS students will begin the 2024-2025 scheduling process on February 7th. Students should have their course requests entered into Infinite Campus by the start of school on Friday, 2/16/2024. School Counselors be working with students the week of 2/12 - 2/16/2023 in order to get all students properly registered for their coursework.