Furthering your education after graduating can be a costly venture. It is critical that you employ a financial plan in order to reduce the costs as much as possible. When you are reviewing your options for financial aid there are 4 areas of consideration (click on each link for further information):
- Scholarships - Free $$!
- Grants - Otherwise known as “gift aid” because they are financial aid that doesn’t need to be repaid.
- Work Study Employment - Part-time employment to help students to finance the costs of postsecondary education.
- Loans - a loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest.
In addition to financial aid there are a number of strategies that can be deployed in order to become savvier at reducing your costs:
Waupaca Works! - an exciting, progressive program linking local businesses with students for long-term careers (among many other things!). Check with your Counselor to determine what opportunities exist here!
Differing costs to college - As you dig deeper into the costs to college you can see that a tremendous amount of money can be saved by the 2 year UW Colleges!
Living at home - This can save you a whole lot of $$!! We know, it’s not quite the “college experience” of living in the dorms, but you will save thousands of dollars!
Resident Assistant - Many of our students have gone on to become Resident Assistants (RA’s) at their respective colleges. This is an opportunity to save money on room and board, and receive a stipend!
Living on the cheap! - 9 ways college students can save money!